Cross-compiling for Windows: Difference between revisions

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Line 5: Line 5:
It seems that an Office extension for Windows must be compiled with MSVC to be compatible. Here is a way to do this from within Ubuntu. Make sure you have a recent wine installed. By default this will be a 64 bit version. If you need a 32-bit wine, use <code>winearch='win32' winecfg</code>.
It seems that an Office extension for Windows must be compiled with MSVC to be compatible. Here is a way to do this from within Ubuntu. Make sure you have a recent wine installed. By default this will be a 64 bit version. If you need a 32-bit wine, use <code>winearch='win32' winecfg</code>.

==== Visual Studio 2017 (64 bit compiler, outputting 32 bit or 64 bit code) ====
==== Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 (64 bit compiler, outputting 32 bit or 64 bit code) ====
* Get a working Visual Studio installation under Windows (the community version is available for free, and works fine)
* Get a working Visual Studio installation under Windows (the community version is available for free, and works fine)
* Set up the following file structure in your <code>.wine/drive_c</code> directory (for 32 bit wine, change <code>Hostx64</code> to <code>Hostx86</code> in the first two lines).
* Set up the following file structure in your <code>.wine/drive_c</code> directory (for 32 bit wine, change <code>Hostx64</code> to <code>Hostx86</code> in the first two lines).
   vc/bin/x64 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.14.26428\bin\Hostx64\x64
   vc/bin/x64 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\XX.YY.ZZZZZ\bin\Hostx64\x64
   vc/bin/x86 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.14.26428\bin\Hostx64\x86
   vc/bin/x86 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\XX.YY.ZZZZZ\bin\Hostx64\x86
   vc/lib/x64 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.14.26428\lib\x64
   vc/lib/x64 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\XX.YY.ZZZZZ\lib\x64
   vc/lib/x86 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.14.26428\lib\x64
   vc/lib/x86 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\XX.YY.ZZZZZ\lib\x86
   vc/include from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.14.26428\include
   vc/include from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\XX.YY.ZZZZZ\include
   sdk/lib/ucrt/x64 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.16299.0\ucrt\x64
   vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.16299.0\ucrt\x64
   sdk/lib/ucrt/x86 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.16299.0\ucrt\x86
   vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.16299.0\ucrt\x86
   sdk/lib/um/x64 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.16299.0\um\x64
   vc/sdk/lib/um/x64 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.16299.0\um\x64
   sdk/lib/um/x86 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.16299.0\um\x86
   vc/sdk/lib/um/x86 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.16299.0\um\x86
   sdk/include/ucrt from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.16299.0\ucrt
   vc/sdk/include/ucrt from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.16299.0\ucrt
   sdk/include/um from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.16299.0\um
   vc/sdk/include/um from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.16299.0\um
   sdk/include/shared from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.16299.0\shared
   vc/sdk/include/shared from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.16299.0\shared
   sdk/include/ucrt/sys/time.h: link to ../time.h
   vc/sdk/include/ucrt/sys/time.h: link to ../time.h
* If you change this structure you must also adapt the .configure calls later
* If you change this structure you must also adapt the .configure calls later
* If you are only targeting x64 or x86 you can omit the other architecture
* If you are only targeting x64 or x86 you can omit the other architecture
* Run <code>wine regedit</code> and add to your PATH:
* Run <code>wine regedit</code> and add to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment the entry PATH:
** 64 bit host, 64 bit target: <code>C:\vc\bin\x64</code>  
** 64 bit host, 64 bit target: <code>C:\vc\bin\x64</code>  
** 64 bit host, 32 bit target: <code>C:\vc\bin\x86;C:\vc\bin\x64</code>
** 64 bit host, 32 bit target: <code>C:\vc\bin\x86;C:\vc\bin\x64</code>
* ??Copy mt.exe from a Windows SDK installation to .wine/drive_c/windows/system32/ or some other location in your PATH
* ??Get winetricks (you need a recent version)
* ??Run winetricks vcrun2015. This will override msvcp140.dll with a Windows native version in the wine configuration

<code>wine cl</code>, <code>wine link</code> and <code>wine lib</code> should now work.
<code>wine cl</code>, <code>wine link</code> and <code>wine lib</code> should now work.
==== Visual Studio 2015 (32 bit compiler, outputting 64 bit code) ====
* Get a working Visual Studio installation under Windows (the community version is available for free, and works fine)
* After booting into Ubuntu, create the directory .wine/drive_c/bin and copy the following files into it
  .../Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/x86_amd64/cl.exe, cl.exe, c1xx.dll, c1.dll, c2.dll, lib.exe, link.exe
  .../Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/mspdb140.dll
  .../Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/redist/x86/Microsoft.VC140.CRT/msvcp140.dll
  .../Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/redist/x86/Microsoft.VC140.CRT/vcruntime140.dll
  .../Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/x86_amd64/1031/clui.dll (creating directory bin/1031 in wine)
* Use regedit to add the bin/ directory to the PATH
* Copy mt.exe from a Windows SDK installation to .wine/drive_c/bin/
* Get winetricks (you need a recent version)
* Run winetricks vcrun2015. This will override msvcp140.dll with a Windows native version in the wine configuration
wine cl, wine link, wine lib and wine mt should now work from a (Unix) terminal. The compiler should output something like
  ...Version 19.00.24215.1 for x64
Install the required libraries and include files somewhere (is there a better/standard location?)
mkdir ~/.wine/drive_c/vc
cp -aR /c/Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio 14/VC/lib/ ~/.wine/drive_c/vc
cp -aR /c/Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio 14/VC/include/ ~/.wine/drive_c/vc
mkdir ~/.wine/drive_c/sdk
cp -aR /c/Programme/Windows\ Kits/8.1/Lib/ ~/.wine/drive_c/sdk/lib8.1
cp -aR /c/Programme/Windows\ Kits/8.1/Include/ ~/.wine/drive_c/sdk/include8.1
cp -aR /c/Programme/Windows\ Kits/10/Lib/ ~/.wine/drive_c/sdk/lib10
cp -aR /c/Programme/Windows\ Kits/10/Include/ ~/.wine/drive_c/sdk/include10
cp ~/.wine/drive_c/sdk/include10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/time.h ~/.wine/drive_c/sdk/include10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/sys
==== Visual Studio 2015 (32 bit compiler outputting 32 bit code) ====
The C++ compiler needs at least wine version 1.8 to work.
* Get a working installation under Windows (the community version is available for free, and works fine)
* After booting into Ubuntu, copy cl.exe, c1xx.dll, c1.dll, c2.dll, lib.exe, link.exe, mspdb140.dll and clui.dll from the Windows Visual Studio 2015 installation to .wine/drive_c/windows/system32/ or some other location in your PATH
* Copy mt.exe from a Windows SDK installation to .wine/drive_c/windows/system32/ or some other location in your PATH
* Get winetricks (you need a recent version)
* Run winetricks vcrun2015. This will override msvcp140.dll with a Windows native version in the wine configuration
wine cl, wine link, wine lib and wine mt should now work from a (Unix) terminal
Install the required libraries and include files somewhere (is there a better/standard location?)
mkdir ~/.wine/drive_c/vc
cp -aR /c/Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio 14/VC/lib/ ~/.wine/drive_c/vc
cp -aR /c/Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio 14/VC/include/ ~/.wine/drive_c/vc
mkdir ~/.wine/drive_c/sdk
cp -aR /c/Programme/Windows\ Kits/8.1/Lib/ ~/.wine/drive_c/sdk/lib8.1
cp -aR /c/Programme/Windows\ Kits/8.1/Include/ ~/.wine/drive_c/sdk/include8.1
cp -aR /c/Programme/Windows\ Kits/10/Lib/ ~/.wine/drive_c/sdk/lib10
cp -aR /c/Programme/Windows\ Kits/10/Include/ ~/.wine/drive_c/sdk/include10
cp ~/.wine/drive_c/sdk/include10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/time.h ~/.wine/drive_c/sdk/include10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/sys

==== Debug build ====
==== Debug build ====
Line 88: Line 36:
=== Compiling CLN ===
=== Compiling CLN ===

==== Visual Studio 2017 ====
You must use a recent [ CLN] (>1.3.6)
If the linker reports undefined symbols, try to remove the inlined methods <code>cl_string::cl_string (const char * s)</code> and <code>cl_string& cl_string::operator= (const char * s)</code> from <code>include/cln/string.h</code> and instead defining them in <code>src/base/string/</code>. The extern definitions can be removed from these two methods.
If compilation fails on the two assembler files, remove the following lines from <code>src/</code>:
  nodist_libcln_la_SOURCES = \
  base/digitseq/cl_asm.S \
==== Visual Studio 2017 and 2019 ====

* For a 32 bit build, change the end of <code>m4/intparam.m4</code> to look like this:
  #include <stddef.h>
  struct alignof_helper { char slot1; $1 slot2; };
  ], [typedef int verify[2*(offsetof(struct alignof_helper, slot2) == $n) - 1];],
      [$2=$n; break;]
      [if test $n = 0; then $2=; break; fi])
    n=`expr $n '+' 1`
* Run <code>autoreconf -i</code>
* Run <code>autoreconf -i</code>
* For a 32 bit build, eit the generated configure script, find the place <code>void (*)(void) slot2</code> and change it to <code>void (*slot2)(void)</code>
* Configure the build
* Configure the build
** 64 bit build: <code>./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" CCAS="wine cl" LD="wine link" LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64" CPPFLAGS="-MD -DNO_ASM -D__x86_64__ -EHsc -IC:/vc/include -IC:/vc/sdk/include/um -IC:/vc/sdk/include/ucrt -IC:/vc/sdk/include/shared" --host=amd64-mingw64msvc</code>
** 64 bit build: <code>./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" CCAS="wine cl" LD="wine link" LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64" CPPFLAGS="-MD -DNO_ASM -EHsc -IC:/vc/include -IC:/vc/sdk/include/um -IC:/vc/sdk/include/ucrt -IC:/vc/sdk/include/shared" --host=amd64-mingw64msvc</code>
** 32 bit build: <code>./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" CCAS="wine cl" LD="wine link" LIB="C:/vc/lib/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86" CPPFLAGS="-MD -DNO_ASM -EHsc -IC:/vc/include -IC:/vc/sdk/include/um -IC:/vc/sdk/include/ucrt -IC:/vc/sdk/include/shared" --host=i586-mingw32msvc/code>
** 32 bit build: <code>./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" CCAS="wine cl" LD="wine link" LIB="C:/vc/lib/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86" CPPFLAGS="-MD -DNO_ASM -EHsc -IC:/vc/include -IC:/vc/sdk/include/um -IC:/vc/sdk/include/ucrt -IC:/vc/sdk/include/shared" --host=i586-mingw32msvc</code>
* Edit libtool and find the two lines containing <code>-OUT</code>. Replace <code>lib</code> with <code>wine lib</code>
* Edit libtool and find the two lines containing <code>-OUT</code>. Replace <code>lib</code> with <code>wine lib</code>
* Edit the src/Makefile and find the line starting with <code>.S.lo</code>
* Make one of these changes (depending on what source version you have only one is possible)
* Add the switch -TC before -c -o
** Edit the src/Makefile and find the line starting with <code>.S.lo</code> and add the switch <code>-TC</code> before <code>-c -o</code>
** Remove the definition of <code>nodist_libcln_la_SOURCES</code> from src/ (total three lines) and re-run configure
* Build
* Build
** 64 bit build: <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64"</code>
** 64 bit build: <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64"</code>
Line 113: Line 61:
** 64 bit build: <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64" check</code>
** 64 bit build: <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64" check</code>
** 32 bit build: <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86" check</code>
** 32 bit build: <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86" check</code>
* All tests should pass successfully
* All tests should pass successfully (note that on a 64-bit wine, the 32-bit tests will not execute). If they do not, you might need to install the package wine-binfmt
==== Visual Studio 2015 (64 bit build) ====
* Change the end of m4/intparam.m4 to look like this, and re-run autoreconf -i.
#include <stddef.h>
struct alignof_helper { char slot1; $1 slot2; };
], [typedef int verify[2*(offsetof(struct alignof_helper, slot2) == $n) - 1];],
      [$2=$n; break;]
      [if test $n = 0; then $2=; break; fi])
    n=`expr $n '+' 1`
* run <code>autoreconf -i</code>
* Edit the generated configure script, find the place <code>void (*)(void) slot2</code> and change it to <code>void (*slot2)(void)</code>
* Run <code>./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" CCAS="wine cl" LD="wine link" MANIFEST_TOOL="wine mt" LIB="C:/vc/lib/amd64;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x64;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x64" CPPFLAGS="-MD -DNO_ASM -D__x86_64__ -EHsc -IC:/vc/include -IC:/sdk/include8.1/um -IC:/sdk/include8.1/shared -IC:/sdk/include10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt" --host=amd64-mingw64msvc</code>
* Edit libtool and find the two lines containing <code>-OUT</code>. Replace <code>lib</code> with <code>wine lib</code>
* Run <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib/amd64;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x64;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x64"</code>
* make will stop and complain about missing files cl_asm.obj and cl_asm_GF2.obj
* Edit the src/Makefile and find the line starting with <code>.S.lo</code>
* Add the switch -TC before -c -o
* Run <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x86;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x86"</code> to finish the compile
* Run <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x86;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x86"</code> check, all tests should pass successfully
==== Visual Studio 2015 (32 bit build) ====
* Change the end of m4/intparam.m4 to look like this, and re-run autoreconf -i.
#include <stddef.h>
struct alignof_helper { char slot1; $1 slot2; };
], [typedef int verify[2*(offsetof(struct alignof_helper, slot2) == $n) - 1];],
      [$2=$n; break;]
* Edit the generated configure script, find the place <code>void (*)(void) slot2</code> and change it to <code>void (*slot2)(void)</code>
* Run <code>./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" CCAS="wine cl" LD="wine link" MANIFEST_TOOL="wine mt" LIB="C:/vc/lib;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x86;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x86" CPPFLAGS="-MD -DNO_ASM -EHsc -IC:/vc/include -IC:/sdk/include8.1/um -IC:/sdk/include8.1/shared -IC:/sdk/include10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt" --host=i586-mingw32msvc</code>
* Edit libtool and find the two lines containing <code>-OUT</code>. Replace <code>lib</code> with <code>wine lib</code>
* Run <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x86;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x86"</code>
* make will stop and complain about missing files cl_asm.obj and cl_asm_GF2.obj
* Edit the src/Makefile and find the line starting with <code>.S.lo</code>
* Add the switch -TC before -c -o
* Run <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x86;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x86"</code> to finish the compile
* Run <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x86;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x86" check</code>, all tests should pass successfully

=== Compiling GiNaC ===
=== Compiling GiNaC ===

==== Visual Studio 2015 (64 bit build) ====
For a 64 bit build, you need a recent version of [ GiNaC] (>1.7.8).

* Copy libcln.lib into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/lib and the CLN headers into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/include/cln
If compilation fails with reference to a missing C++20 compiler, edit the <code></code> and change the compiler prerequisite <code>AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX</code> to version 20.
* Unpack the source code
* Since MSVC does not set __cplusplus correctly (?), comment out the line <code>AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX([11])</code> in
* Run <code>autoreconf -i</code> in the new directory that was created.
* You can now run <code>./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" LD="wine link" MANIFEST_TOOL="wine mt" CLN_CFLAGS=-IC:/local/include CLN_LIBS=C:/local/lib/libcln.lib LIB="C:/vc/lib/amd64;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x64;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x64" CPPFLAGS="-MD -DNO_ASM -D__x86_64__ -EHsc -IC:/vc/include -IC:/sdk/include8.1/um -IC:/sdk/include10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt -IC:/local/include" --disable-shared --enable-static --host=amd64-mingw64msvc</code>
* Edit the libtool created by configure:
** The line starting with <code>old_archive_cmds</code> must read <code>"wine lib -OUT:\$oldlib\$oldobjs\$old_deplibs"</code>. Note that this line occurs twice in the file!
* In the check (and other subdirectories), when linking fails edit the Makefile and add the following to the command starting with CXXLINK: <code>libcln.lib</code>. This is necessary because the package config file cln.pc is in Unix format and cl cannot find the library as specified there
* Run <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib/amd64;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x64;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x64;C:/local/lib"</code>
* On Windows compilation will fail in the ginsh subdirectory. Simply cd to this directory and run <code>make -t</code> (since we won't be needing ginsh)
* Edit config/test-driver and find the line after <code>Test script is run here</code>. It should begin with <code>wine "$@"</code>
* GiNaC now compiles and all 58 tests pass successfully with <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib/amd64;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x64;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x64;C:/local/lib" check</code>

==== Visual Studio 2015 (32 bit build)====
==== Visual Studio 2017 and 2019 ====

* Copy libcln.lib into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/lib and the CLN headers into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/include/cln
* Copy src/.libs/libcln.lib into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/lib/x64 (or x86) and the CLN headers in the include directory into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/include/x64/cln (or x86/cln)
* Unpack the source code
* Get a recent GiNaC (>= 1.8.2)
* Since MSVC does not set __cplusplus correctly (?), comment out the line <code>AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX([11])</code> in
* Run <code>autoreconf -i</code> in the source directory
* Run <code>autoreconf -i</code> in the new directory that was created.
* Configure
* You can now run <code>./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" LD="wine link" MANIFEST_TOOL="wine mt" CLN_CFLAGS=-IC:/local/include CLN_LIBS=C:/local/lib/libcln.lib LIB="C:/vc/lib;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x86;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x86" CPPFLAGS="-MD -DNO_ASM -EHsc -IC:/vc/include -IC:/sdk/include8.1/um -IC:/sdk/include10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt -IC:/local/include" --disable-shared --enable-static --host=i586-mingw32msvc</code>
** 64 bit: <code>./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" LD="wine link" CLN_CFLAGS=-IC:/local/include/x64 CLN_LIBS=C:/local/lib/x64/libcln.lib LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64" CPPFLAGS="-MD -EHsc -Zc:__cplusplus -IC:/vc/include -IC:/vc/sdk/include/um -IC:/vc/sdk/include/ucrt -IC:/local/include" --disable-shared --enable-static --host=amd64-mingw64msvc</code>
** 32 bit: <code>./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" LD="wine link" CLN_CFLAGS=-IC:/local/include/x86 CLN_LIBS=C:/local/lib/x86/libcln.lib LIB="C:/vc/lib/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86" CPPFLAGS="-MD -EHsc -IC:/vc/include -IC:/vc/sdk/include/um -IC:/vc/sdk/include/ucrt -IC:/local/include" --disable-shared --enable-static --host=i586-mingw32msvc</code>
* Edit the libtool created by configure:
* Edit the libtool created by configure:
** The line starting with <code>old_archive_cmds</code> must read <code>"wine lib -OUT:\$oldlib\$oldobjs\$old_deplibs"</code>. Note that this line occurs twice in the file!
** The line starting with <code>old_archive_cmds</code> must read <code>"wine lib -OUT:\$oldlib\$oldobjs\$old_deplibs"</code>. Note that this line occurs twice in the file!
* In the check (and other subdirectories), when linking fails edit the Makefile and add the following to the command starting with CXXLINK: <code>libcln.lib</code>. This is necessary because the package config file cln.pc is in Unix format and cl cannot find the library as specified there
* Build
* Run <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x86;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x86;C:/local/lib"</code>
** 64 bit: <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64"</code>
** 32 bit: <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86"</code>
* On Windows compilation will fail in the ginsh subdirectory. Simply cd to this directory and run <code>make -t</code> (since we won't be needing ginsh)
* On Windows compilation will fail in the ginsh subdirectory. Simply cd to this directory and run <code>make -t</code> (since we won't be needing ginsh)
* Edit config/test-driver and find the line after <code>#Test script is run here</code>. It should begin with <code>wine "$@"</code>
* Change to the toplevel directory again and finish the build with the same make command as before
* GiNaC now compiles and all 58 tests pass successfully with <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x86;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x86;C:/local/lib" check</code>
* Check
** 64 bit: <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64" check</code>
=== Compiling EQC ===
** 32 bit: <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86" check</code>
* All tests should pass successfully (note that on 64 bit wine the 32 bit tests will not execute)
Important note: The EQC library code has been integrated into iMath 2.1.5 and higher, so compiling EQC separately becomes superfluous.
Copy libginac.lib into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/lib and the GiNaC headers into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/include/ginac (make sure you also get the headers from the parser subdirectory and put them into the /local/include/ginac directory).
==== Visual Studio 2015 ====
* Run <code>autoreconf -i</code> and <code>/configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" LD="wine link" MANIFEST_TOOL="wine mt" LIB="C:/vc/lib;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x86;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x86" CPPFLAGS="-DEBUG -MD -EHsc -IC:/vc/include -IC:/sdk/include8.1/um -IC:/sdk/include10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt -IC:/local/include" --host=i586-mingw32msvc</code>
* Find two lines with <code>...lib -OUT...</code> in libtool and change them to <code> lib -OUT...</code>
* To get EQC to link successfully, you need to edit the src/Makefile and add the following to the command starting with CXXLINK: <code>libcln.lib libginac.lib</code>.
* Run <code>make LIB="C:/vc/lib;C:/sdk/lib8.1/winv6.3/um/x86;C:/sdk/lib10/10.0.10240.0/ucrt/x86;C:/local/lib"</code>

=== Preparing the Office SDK ===
=== Preparing the Office SDK ===
Line 205: Line 96:
* Edit settings/ and add a section for wine. The iMath source subdirectory src/wine-sdk-config contains a sample that works for me, but keep in mind that the file varies between SDK versions.
* Edit settings/ and add a section for wine. The iMath source subdirectory src/wine-sdk-config contains a sample that works for me, but keep in mind that the file varies between SDK versions.
* Go to sdk/bin and create an executable called cppumaker with content <code>wine "$OO_SDK_HOME/bin/cppumaker.exe" "$@"</code>
* Go to sdk/bin and create an executable called cppumaker with content <code>wine "$OO_SDK_HOME/bin/cppumaker.exe" "$@"</code>
* Install the Office DLLs where wine can find them (e.g. into the sdk/bin directory) but not into ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32, because this will confuse the office
* Install the Office DLLs where wine can find them (e.g. symlink into the sdk/bin directory) but not into ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32, because this will confuse the office. This is required for cppumaker.exe to run
=== Compiling iMath (32 bit build) ===
* (Only for iMath versions  before 2.1.5) Copy libeqc.lib into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/lib and all the headers from the src subdirectory into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/include/libeqc
* Because GNU make has problems with spaces in paths, it is strongly advisable to create a symlink to ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files and any other directory that has spaces (e.g. LibreOffice\ 4)
* Edit the file matching your Office installation in the directory src/wine-sdk-config. Set <code>BASE=</code> to match your wine installation directory. Edit the relevant entries at the top of the file using the symlinked directory names without spaces
* Source this file
* Run <code>autoreconf -i</code>
* Run <code>./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" LD="wine cl" MANIFEST_TOOL="wine mt" --host=i586-mingw32msvc --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu</code>
* Change into the source directory
* Run make. This will produce an error about mt.exe at the end of the process. Just run make again and the extension is created in the iMathout directory

=== Compiling iMath (64 bit build) ===
=== Compiling iMath ===
Copy libginac.lib into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/lib/x64 (or x86) and the GiNaC headers (also from the parser subdirectory) into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/include/x64/ginac (or x86/ginac)

* Because GNU make has problems with spaces in paths, it is strongly advisable to create a symlink to ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files and any other directory that has spaces (e.g. LibreOffice\ 4)
* Because GNU make has problems with spaces in paths, it is strongly advisable to create a symlink to ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files and any other directory that has spaces (e.g. LibreOffice\ 5)
* Edit the file matching your Office installation in the directory src/wine-sdk-config. Set <code>BASE=</code> to match your wine installation directory. Edit the relevant entries at the top of the file using the symlinked directory names without spaces
* Edit the file matching your Office installation in the directory src/wine-sdk-config. Set <code>BASE=</code> to match your wine installation directory. Edit the relevant entries at the top of the file using the symlinked directory names without spaces
* Source this file
* Source this file
* Run <code>autoreconf -i</code>
* Run <code>autoreconf -i</code>
* Run <code>./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" LD="wine cl" MANIFEST_TOOL="wine mt" GINAC_CFLAGS=-IC:/local/include GINAC_LIBS=C:/local/lib/libginac.lib --host=amd64-mingw64msvc</code>
* 32 bit build: Run <code>./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" LD="wine cl" --host=i586-mingw32msvc</code>
* 64 bit build: Run <code>./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" LD="wine cl" --host=amd64-mingw64msvc</code>
* Change into the source directory
* Change into the source directory
* Run make. This will produce an error about mt.exe at the end of the process. Just run make again and the extension is created in the iMathout directory
* Run make. This will produce an error about mt.exe at the end of the process. Just run make again and the extension is created in the iMathout directory

Latest revision as of 17:56, 24 September 2023

Ubuntu, wine and Microsoft Visual C++

General setup

It seems that an Office extension for Windows must be compiled with MSVC to be compatible. Here is a way to do this from within Ubuntu. Make sure you have a recent wine installed. By default this will be a 64 bit version. If you need a 32-bit wine, use winearch='win32' winecfg.

Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 (64 bit compiler, outputting 32 bit or 64 bit code)

  • Get a working Visual Studio installation under Windows (the community version is available for free, and works fine)
  • Set up the following file structure in your .wine/drive_c directory (for 32 bit wine, change Hostx64 to Hostx86 in the first two lines).
 vc/bin/x64 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\XX.YY.ZZZZZ\bin\Hostx64\x64
 vc/bin/x86 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\XX.YY.ZZZZZ\bin\Hostx64\x86
 vc/lib/x64 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\XX.YY.ZZZZZ\lib\x64
 vc/lib/x86 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\XX.YY.ZZZZZ\lib\x86
 vc/include from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\XX.YY.ZZZZZ\include
 vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.16299.0\ucrt\x64
 vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.16299.0\ucrt\x86
 vc/sdk/lib/um/x64 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.16299.0\um\x64
 vc/sdk/lib/um/x86 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.16299.0\um\x86
 vc/sdk/include/ucrt from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.16299.0\ucrt
 vc/sdk/include/um from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.16299.0\um
 vc/sdk/include/shared from C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.16299.0\shared
 vc/sdk/include/ucrt/sys/time.h: link to ../time.h
  • If you change this structure you must also adapt the .configure calls later
  • If you are only targeting x64 or x86 you can omit the other architecture
  • Run wine regedit and add to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment the entry PATH:
    • 64 bit host, 64 bit target: C:\vc\bin\x64
    • 64 bit host, 32 bit target: C:\vc\bin\x86;C:\vc\bin\x64

wine cl, wine link and wine lib should now work.

Debug build

  • To get a debug build, use the flags -MDd -D_DEBUG for libraries
  • You will need to copy the debug versions of the standard libraries into the paths

Compiling CLN

You must use a recent CLN (>1.3.6)

If the linker reports undefined symbols, try to remove the inlined methods cl_string::cl_string (const char * s) and cl_string& cl_string::operator= (const char * s) from include/cln/string.h and instead defining them in src/base/string/ The extern definitions can be removed from these two methods.

If compilation fails on the two assembler files, remove the following lines from src/

 nodist_libcln_la_SOURCES = \
 base/digitseq/cl_asm.S \

Visual Studio 2017 and 2019

  • Run autoreconf -i
  • Configure the build
    • 64 bit build: ./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" CCAS="wine cl" LD="wine link" LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64" CPPFLAGS="-MD -DNO_ASM -EHsc -IC:/vc/include -IC:/vc/sdk/include/um -IC:/vc/sdk/include/ucrt -IC:/vc/sdk/include/shared" --host=amd64-mingw64msvc
    • 32 bit build: ./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" CCAS="wine cl" LD="wine link" LIB="C:/vc/lib/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86" CPPFLAGS="-MD -DNO_ASM -EHsc -IC:/vc/include -IC:/vc/sdk/include/um -IC:/vc/sdk/include/ucrt -IC:/vc/sdk/include/shared" --host=i586-mingw32msvc
  • Edit libtool and find the two lines containing -OUT. Replace lib with wine lib
  • Make one of these changes (depending on what source version you have only one is possible)
    • Edit the src/Makefile and find the line starting with .S.lo and add the switch -TC before -c -o
    • Remove the definition of nodist_libcln_la_SOURCES from src/ (total three lines) and re-run configure
  • Build
    • 64 bit build: make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64"
    • 32 bit build: make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86"
  • Check
    • 64 bit build: make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64" check
    • 32 bit build: make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86" check
  • All tests should pass successfully (note that on a 64-bit wine, the 32-bit tests will not execute). If they do not, you might need to install the package wine-binfmt

Compiling GiNaC

For a 64 bit build, you need a recent version of GiNaC (>1.7.8).

If compilation fails with reference to a missing C++20 compiler, edit the and change the compiler prerequisite AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX to version 20.

Visual Studio 2017 and 2019

  • Copy src/.libs/libcln.lib into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/lib/x64 (or x86) and the CLN headers in the include directory into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/include/x64/cln (or x86/cln)
  • Get a recent GiNaC (>= 1.8.2)
  • Run autoreconf -i in the source directory
  • Configure
    • 64 bit: ./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" LD="wine link" CLN_CFLAGS=-IC:/local/include/x64 CLN_LIBS=C:/local/lib/x64/libcln.lib LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64" CPPFLAGS="-MD -EHsc -Zc:__cplusplus -IC:/vc/include -IC:/vc/sdk/include/um -IC:/vc/sdk/include/ucrt -IC:/local/include" --disable-shared --enable-static --host=amd64-mingw64msvc
    • 32 bit: ./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" LD="wine link" CLN_CFLAGS=-IC:/local/include/x86 CLN_LIBS=C:/local/lib/x86/libcln.lib LIB="C:/vc/lib/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86" CPPFLAGS="-MD -EHsc -IC:/vc/include -IC:/vc/sdk/include/um -IC:/vc/sdk/include/ucrt -IC:/local/include" --disable-shared --enable-static --host=i586-mingw32msvc
  • Edit the libtool created by configure:
    • The line starting with old_archive_cmds must read "wine lib -OUT:\$oldlib\$oldobjs\$old_deplibs". Note that this line occurs twice in the file!
  • Build
    • 64 bit: make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64"
    • 32 bit: make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86"
  • On Windows compilation will fail in the ginsh subdirectory. Simply cd to this directory and run make -t (since we won't be needing ginsh)
  • Change to the toplevel directory again and finish the build with the same make command as before
  • Check
    • 64 bit: make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x64;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x64" check
    • 32 bit: make LIB="C:/vc/lib/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/um/x86;C:/vc/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86" check
  • All tests should pass successfully (note that on 64 bit wine the 32 bit tests will not execute)

Preparing the Office SDK

  • Install Office and the Office SDK into wine using the standard Windows installation files. Try to run ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/<YOUR_OFFICE>/program/soffice.exe, if this doesn't start, then install it into a clean wine.
  • Remember to install 64-bit versions of the Office and SDK if you set up a 64-bit Visual C++ environment
  • In the SDK base directory (e.g. ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/<YOUR_OFFICE>/sdk), edit settings/ and change the platform PLATFORM=wine (for Apache OpenOffice, create a file called config.guess in the sdk subdirectory with contents echo wine; exit 0)
  • Edit settings/ and add a section for wine. The iMath source subdirectory src/wine-sdk-config contains a sample that works for me, but keep in mind that the file varies between SDK versions.
  • Go to sdk/bin and create an executable called cppumaker with content wine "$OO_SDK_HOME/bin/cppumaker.exe" "$@"
  • Install the Office DLLs where wine can find them (e.g. symlink into the sdk/bin directory) but not into ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32, because this will confuse the office. This is required for cppumaker.exe to run

Compiling iMath

Copy libginac.lib into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/lib/x64 (or x86) and the GiNaC headers (also from the parser subdirectory) into ~/.wine/drive_c/local/include/x64/ginac (or x86/ginac)

  • Because GNU make has problems with spaces in paths, it is strongly advisable to create a symlink to ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files and any other directory that has spaces (e.g. LibreOffice\ 5)
  • Edit the file matching your Office installation in the directory src/wine-sdk-config. Set BASE= to match your wine installation directory. Edit the relevant entries at the top of the file using the symlinked directory names without spaces
  • Source this file
  • Run autoreconf -i
  • 32 bit build: Run ./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" LD="wine cl" --host=i586-mingw32msvc
  • 64 bit build: Run ./configure CC="wine cl" CXX="wine cl" LD="wine cl" --host=amd64-mingw64msvc
  • Change into the source directory
  • Run make. This will produce an error about mt.exe at the end of the process. Just run make again and the extension is created in the iMathout directory