Q: Will iMath work in LibreOffice on Windows platform?
A: Not yet. There is an update coming in the next months that will bring iMath to Windows version of LibreOffice.
Q: Is it possible to make definitions using "," instead of "."?
A: No, because the "," is also used to separate arguments to commands. The problem will probably be solved in the next version of iMath.
Q: How to include *.imath file in the document?
A: Go to File->Properties->User defined properties->Include file *.imath, or use this line in iFormula %%ii READFILE {"*.imath"}. For example, we have created 1.imath file in some directory, after READFILE full path must be given. Here are examples of proper lines under Windows and Ubuntu.
Windows: %%ii READFILE {"C:/Document/1.imath"}
Ubuntu: %%ii READFILE {"/home/user/Documents/1.imath"}
Q: There is nothing under File->Properties->User defined properties, why is that?
A: It happens while working on a new document, the user defined properties will appear after saving that document and reloading it.
Q: Is it possible to clear only chosen equations?
A: You can clear equations by label (select it and choose Edit - Clear from the menu), or use this line in iFormula %%ii DELETE{#equation_label#}
Q: The iFormula and standard formula are placed differently from the left margin, is there a fast way to unify them?
A: There is no fast way to do this. Each formula would have to be manually edited. It's happening because standard formula is created with 2mm left margin (right-click -> Object to see these margins), while iFormula is created with 0mm margin.
Q: I have an equation x = 100 m. How do I tell iMath that the value is in meters?
A: In the new iFormula dialog write this x=100 "m" . The "m" tells iMath that the value is in meters. This will only work if you have included the units.imath file with File->Properties->User defined properties->Include file units.imath
Q: How to hide equation?
A: Select the formula and choose iMath->Edit->Hide/show , alternatively put * after EQDEF.
Q: Is it possible to hide units after evaluation?
Yes, in evaluation formula use NUMVAL instead of VAL.