
From iMath
Revision as of 18:54, 16 April 2018 by Jrheinlaender (talk | contribs)
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The following list shows all operators recognized by iMath, from lowest precedence to highest precedence. Operator precedence defines the order in which operators are evaluated when no brackets are set. For example, 3 * 4 + 5 will evaluate to 17, not to 23, because + has lower precedence than *.

  • ## Matrix definition
  • ; # List separator, vector definition
  • MOD Modular equation
  • OR Boolean or
  • AND Boolean and
  • NEG Boolean negation
  • = == < <= > >= != <> Relational operators
  • : vector definition
  • - + Addition and subtraction
  • * / TIMES .* ./ Multiplication and division (.* and ./ denote element-wise operations on vectors and matrices)
  • - Unary minus
  • REV NROOT Reverse an equation, multiple root
  • ^ Exponentiation
  • ^T Vector and matrix transposition
  • ! Factorial
  • [ ] Vector and matrix element access
  • SIZE Font size specification