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Getting debug output

The first thing to do is to increase the debug level from the Tools - Options - Writer - iMath options page. A good starting point is level 2.

On Linux, just run soffice from a terminal, and you will see the debug output.

On Windows the location of the debug output depends on the iMath version. The newest versions (> 2.1.1) write to a file called iMathDebug_cerr.txt in the current user's temporary file directory (usually <User>/AppData/Local/ but see this link for details). If you still cannot find the log file, consider setting a well-defined temporary path as described here.

Older versions output some information to a file called stdout.txt in the Office program directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\LibreOffice 3.6\program).

But usually this will be empty... So you need a Microsoft Visual Studio installation to proceed. Here you will find a program called editbin.exe.

On Windows, you need to open a command prompt ("Run" - cmd). In the little black window that comes up, change to the Office installation directory (e.g. cd "C:\Program Files\LibreOffice 5\program"). If you type soffice.exe here, the Office should start, otherwise you are in the wrong directory. Tip: If you press the <tab> key while entering the path, Windows will rotate through all possible continuations. E.g. you could type cd C:\Pro and then press the <tab> key to reach C:\Program Files. Then enter \Li and press <tab> again until you reach C:\Program Files\LibreOffice 5 and so on.

Now set your path to find editbin.exe: Type C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat (assuming you installed Visual Studio 12). You should get a message telling you the environment was set. Now tell Windows to send debug output to the window and to stdout.txt: editbin /subsystem:console soffice.exe and the same again for soffice.bin.

Run soffice.exe and you should see some output in the window and more in stdout.txt.

Feature requests

Please use the sourceforge interface for this.


Please use the sourceforge interface for this.